# PowerShell 1.0 script to send email through SMTP
# by Jakob Bindslet (jakob@bindslet.dk), 21. december 2007
# Current Script version 1.1
# Send-SMTPmail
# Sends an email by use of an SMTP server
# Send-SMTPmail -to
# [-smtpserver
# [-cc
# No specific order of the parameters are required:
# -to
# -from
# -subject
# -body
# Optional arguments are:
# -smtpserver
# Address of the smtp server to be used. This is only optional if a
# default smtpserver has been specified
# -port
# port number of the smtp server, used only if it differs from the
# standard port 25.
# -attachment
# Complete path to file to attach, ie. "c:\boot.ini"
# -cc
# Recipient(s) to be included as "carbon copy" on the email.
# -bcc
# Recipient(s) to be included as "blind carbon copy" on the email.
# -timeout
# Sets the timeout in miliseconds, for the send mail operation.
# This includes the time it take to upload any attachments, so
# be careful of setting this too low if using attached file.
# -alert
# The email will be treatet as an alert (the standard sharepoint
# alert icon will be used in outlook).
# -html
# Indicates that the email will be in HTML format. The HTML
# content itself should be specified in the -body parameter.
# -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
# C:\PS>send-SMTPmail -to hans@contoso.msft -from theBoss@contoso.msft
# -subject "Congratulations!" -smtpserver "smtp.contoso.msft"
# -body "you'll get one extra week of vacation year"
# -bcc "theMiddleBoss@contoso.msft"
function Send-SMTPmail($to, $from, $subject, $body, $attachment, $cc, $bcc, $port, $timeout, $smtpserver, [switch] $html, [switch] $alert) {
if ($smtpserver -eq $null) {$smtpserver = "smtp.myserver.com"}
$mailer = new-object Net.Mail.SMTPclient($smtpserver)
if ($port -ne $null) {$mailer.port = $port}
if ($timeout -ne $null) {$mailer.timeout = $timeout}
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage($from,$to,$subject,$body)
if ($html) {$msg.IsBodyHTML = $true}
if ($cc -ne $null) {$msg.cc.add($cc)}
if ($bcc -ne $null) {$msg.bcc.add($bcc)}
if ($alert) {$msg.Headers.Add("message-id", "<3bd50098e401463aa228377848493927-1>")}
if ($attachment -ne $null) {
$attachment = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($attachment)