If you want to try it out, I've written this very brief quick start guide:
Start by downloading the trial version of Quest's LiteSpeed product: www.quest.com (products -> all products -> LiteSpeed)
Install the LiteSpeed trial you've just downloaded.
Start PowerShell
Register the SnapIn:
C:\Winnt\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\installutil.exe Quest.LogReader.SqlServer.PSSnapIn.dll
Verify that the SnapIn has been registered:
Get-PSSnapin -registered
Add the SnapIn to the current PowerShell session (remember to add this to your profil if you so desire):
add-pssnapin Quest.LogReader.SqlServer
Also register the data formatting information:
Update-FormatData -AppendPath 'C:\Program Files\Quest Software\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Quest.LogReader.SqlServer.Format.ps1xml'
You are now ready to plays around with the new commands offered by the SnapIn. To get a list of the new commands you can either consult the .chm file in the LiteSpeed folder, or just use Get-Help:
Get-Command *-QLRSql*
If you want the quick path to playing around with a transaction log file, you can use the following miniguide:
Install the Log Reader server components on your SQL server:
Set-QLRSqlSrvAgent -Install
Lets try to look at the transaction log for the Master database:
$log = New-QLRSqlReader -Online . Master Windows
Get-QLRSqlRecord $log
If the above returns too much data, try this (you may want to modify the date a bit):
Get-QLRSqlRecord $log -After '16-09-2008 12:00:00'
Please note the the help text included for the new Commandlets contains a number of errors - If you use the examples, you will encounter a number of syntax errors, but most a easily recognized and corrected.